Monday, September 18, 2006

A short post on violent film/violent porn

A lot of people are asking why, if we are to ban violent pornography, why not ban violent films/games etc.

Although a lot of violent films, especially horror films, are extremely misogynistic and should be looked at in the context of womens' position in society, they differ from violent pornography in one crucial way. They are not designed specifically to cause arousal. Or at least they do not market themselves as such.

Pornography has a sole purpose and that is to arouse the viewer. There is no other reason for it to exist. When the pornography is violent, the violence is intended to arouse the viewer which in turn causes the viewer to associate violence with sexual pleasure.

Even if people are aroused by violent films and video games, their pleasure is not validated in the same way as with violent pornography. With the latter, they know they are supposed to feel pleasure when viewing the violence - as opposed to becoming accidentally turned on by a woman running around half-naked screaming, while a man in a mask chases her with an axe.

This validation of pleasure when viewing violence is particularly dangerous for someone who already has tendencies towards violent behaviour. Much more than in horror movies, pornography justifies and condones these tendencies as natural sexual impulses that should be gratified. How can this be "harmless"?


Blogger Phemisaurus Terribilis said...

Of course it's harmless - to men.

7:36 AM  
Blogger jo22 said...

It's not harmless to anyone, but the people doing the viewing don't often realise that they are turning into unempathetic, emotionally-damaged wastes of space.

3:01 PM  
Blogger Phemisaurus Terribilis said...

Pornsturbators value things like empathy and emotional riches? Oh, I get it, you're kiddin. Ha ha, funny, you almost got me.

10:46 PM  

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